I was the lead Project Manager overseeing the Complete Signage package for the newly renovated Leather Trades Artist Lofts located in downtown St. Louis. I was not only the project manager, but I designed and processed every single sign that went into production and fabrication. The logo was already designed, but I incorporated the logo and custom designed the ADA Complete Signage Package with custom digital graphics, subsurface silver painted clear acrylic, custom cut black backplate and faceplate and adding the Leather Trades logo emblem in Copper with tactile raised lettering to add another elegant feel to the unique design. Everything from the exterior blade sign and awning, to the interior ADA signage inside the building, I was the girl that made it happen. Working directly with the architect firms, dealing with sign codes and restrictions, to design: I can't wait to be involved in another project that is as rewarding as a new development.